Ultra-wide grip bench press 6RM
135 x 10
225 x 6
275 x 6
315 x 6
345 x 6 (10 lb PR)
355 x 6 (20 lb PR)
Close grip bench vs. double minis
255 x 6 x 4
Incline cable tricep extension overhead
75 x 12 x 5
Dumbbell pull-over
70 x 12 x 3
Dumbbell shrug
110s x 15 x 3
Front barbell raise overhead
50 x 12 x 3
It's not the size of the dog in the fight; it's the size of the fight in the dog!
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
5/26 GPP
Leg extension 115 x 15 x 3
Lying leg curl 70 x 15 x 3
Seated calf 180 x 15 x 3
Hanging leg raise x 15 x 3
45 degree back extension x 15 x 3
Lying leg curl 70 x 15 x 3
Seated calf 180 x 15 x 3
Hanging leg raise x 15 x 3
45 degree back extension x 15 x 3
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
5/25 ME Lower
Stability work (got this from a squat article by Matt Wenning, decided it would help me since stability has been an issue for me on meet day)
Warm up:
sled drags - 3 trips with 2 plates on sled
terminal knee extensions with band
good morning with band around neck
Squat, 40% + 20% hanging chain (not touching floor) - briefs only
warm-up then
335 + 160 lbs chain x 2 x 8
Barbell good morning
135 x 12
225 x 10 x 2
275 x 8
Barbell t-bar row, v-handle
135 x 12 x 1
180 x 10 x 1
205 x 8 x 3
Piston leg press
270 x 20 x 4
Cable crunch
100 x 15 x 1*
*had to quit, got cramp in lower abs
Warm up:
sled drags - 3 trips with 2 plates on sled
terminal knee extensions with band
good morning with band around neck
Squat, 40% + 20% hanging chain (not touching floor) - briefs only
warm-up then
335 + 160 lbs chain x 2 x 8
Barbell good morning
135 x 12
225 x 10 x 2
275 x 8
Barbell t-bar row, v-handle
135 x 12 x 1
180 x 10 x 1
205 x 8 x 3
Piston leg press
270 x 20 x 4
Cable crunch
100 x 15 x 1*
*had to quit, got cramp in lower abs
5/24 DE Upper
Speed bench + doubled minis
205 x 3 x 9
Bench press
235 x 20 close grip
235 x 20 ultra wide grip
EZ Bar Skull Crusher
115 x 10 x 4
Superset w/ band pushdowns
small band x 15 x 4
Lat pulldown, close v-grip
180 x 12 x 3
Dumbbell lateral raise
25 x 12 x 3
Band pull-apart
monster mini x 15 x 3
Low pulley reverse-grip curl
60 x 12 x 3
205 x 3 x 9
Bench press
235 x 20 close grip
235 x 20 ultra wide grip
EZ Bar Skull Crusher
115 x 10 x 4
Superset w/ band pushdowns
small band x 15 x 4
Lat pulldown, close v-grip
180 x 12 x 3
Dumbbell lateral raise
25 x 12 x 3
Band pull-apart
monster mini x 15 x 3
Low pulley reverse-grip curl
60 x 12 x 3
5/22 DE Lower
SS Bar speed squat (week 2)
385 + average bands x 2 x 10
Speed pulls off 2" deficit
365 + 200 lbs band x 1 x 8
Mikesell pull-thrus w/ average band x 20 x 4
Seated leg curl
120 x 12
140 x 12
160 x 12
ISO leg extension 70 x 15 x 3
Abductor 110 x 15 x 3
Adductor 110 x 15 x 3
Reverse Hyper
320 x 20 x 2
Spread eagle sit-ups x 20 x 2
385 + average bands x 2 x 10
Speed pulls off 2" deficit
365 + 200 lbs band x 1 x 8
Mikesell pull-thrus w/ average band x 20 x 4
Seated leg curl
120 x 12
140 x 12
160 x 12
ISO leg extension 70 x 15 x 3
Abductor 110 x 15 x 3
Adductor 110 x 15 x 3
Reverse Hyper
320 x 20 x 2
Spread eagle sit-ups x 20 x 2
Thursday, May 21, 2015
5/20 ME Upper
Shirted 3-board press
135 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
Add shirt and 3 boards
495 x 3
525 x 3
555 x 3
585 x 3 (15 lb PR)
615 x 3 (45 lb PR)
Floor press
255 x 5
255 + 40 lbs chain x 5
255 + 80 lbs chain x 5
255 + 120 lbs chain x 5
255 + 160 lbs chain x 5
One-arm dumbbell overhead
45 x 12 x 3
Hammer ISO row
160 x 8 x 3 each arm
Lateral dumbbell raise (heavy)
45 x 6 x 3
135 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
Add shirt and 3 boards
495 x 3
525 x 3
555 x 3
585 x 3 (15 lb PR)
615 x 3 (45 lb PR)
Floor press
255 x 5
255 + 40 lbs chain x 5
255 + 80 lbs chain x 5
255 + 120 lbs chain x 5
255 + 160 lbs chain x 5
One-arm dumbbell overhead
45 x 12 x 3
Hammer ISO row
160 x 8 x 3 each arm
Lateral dumbbell raise (heavy)
45 x 6 x 3
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
5/18 ME Lower
Zercher squat off pins (pin 5)
135 x 5
225 x 3
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1 (PR)
425 miss
Stiff leg deadlifts
295 x 10 x 4
Pendlay rows
185 x 12 x 3
Dumbbell lunges
50s x 10 x 3
Ab wheel
15 x 3
135 x 5
225 x 3
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1 (PR)
425 miss
Stiff leg deadlifts
295 x 10 x 4
Pendlay rows
185 x 12 x 3
Dumbbell lunges
50s x 10 x 3
Ab wheel
15 x 3
Monday, May 18, 2015
5/17 DE Upper
Speed bench
205 + doubled minis (85) x 3 x 9
Decline dumbbell press
80s x 20 x 2
EZ bar triceps extension
85 x 12 x 3
superset w/ band push downs
small x 12 x 3
Lat pulldown, wide palms facing
180 x 12 x 3
Dumbbell side raise (strict)
25 x 12 x 3
205 + doubled minis (85) x 3 x 9
Decline dumbbell press
80s x 20 x 2
EZ bar triceps extension
85 x 12 x 3
superset w/ band push downs
small x 12 x 3
Lat pulldown, wide palms facing
180 x 12 x 3
Dumbbell side raise (strict)
25 x 12 x 3
5/15 DE Lower
SS bar speed squats
335 + average bands (150) x 2 x 12
Sumo speed pulls (w/ briefs)
365 + 200 lbs band x 1 x 8
bw x 12 x 3
Low pulley upright row
70 x 12 x 3
ISO leg extension 70 x 12 x 3
Adduction 100 x 12 x 3
Abduction 100 x 12 x 3
Reverse Hyper
360 x 20 x 3
Side bend
45 x 12 x 3
335 + average bands (150) x 2 x 12
Sumo speed pulls (w/ briefs)
365 + 200 lbs band x 1 x 8
bw x 12 x 3
Low pulley upright row
70 x 12 x 3
ISO leg extension 70 x 12 x 3
Adduction 100 x 12 x 3
Abduction 100 x 12 x 3
Reverse Hyper
360 x 20 x 3
Side bend
45 x 12 x 3
5/13 ME Upper
Bench Press off Manpon
worked up to 435 x 2
Floor press
255 x 5
255 + 1 set chains x 5
255 + 2 sets chains x 5
255 + 3 sets chains x 5
255 + 4 sets chains x 5
One arm dumbbell overhead
40 x 10 x 3
Front Strait arm pulldown
80 x 12 x 3
Front barbell raise overhead
50 x 12 x 3
hammer curl
60 x 12 x 3
worked up to 435 x 2
Floor press
255 x 5
255 + 1 set chains x 5
255 + 2 sets chains x 5
255 + 3 sets chains x 5
255 + 4 sets chains x 5
One arm dumbbell overhead
40 x 10 x 3
Front Strait arm pulldown
80 x 12 x 3
Front barbell raise overhead
50 x 12 x 3
hammer curl
60 x 12 x 3
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
5/11/15 ME Lower
First day of meet cycle!!! 15 weeks out from RPS/XPC Boardwalk Bash!
Sled drags
band hip mobility
band good mornings
SS bar low box squat, 3RM
bar x 5
155 x 5
245 x 3
335 x 3
425 x 3
add briefs
515 x 3 (PR)
565 x 3 (PR...this tied my 1RM from last training cycle)
Stiff leg DLs off 4" box
245 x 8 x 3
T-bar row
205 x 8 x 3
Dumbbell Lunges
50s x 8 x 3
ab wheel roll-outs
12 x 3
Sled drags
band hip mobility
band good mornings
SS bar low box squat, 3RM
bar x 5
155 x 5
245 x 3
335 x 3
425 x 3
add briefs
515 x 3 (PR)
565 x 3 (PR...this tied my 1RM from last training cycle)
Stiff leg DLs off 4" box
245 x 8 x 3
T-bar row
205 x 8 x 3
Dumbbell Lunges
50s x 8 x 3
ab wheel roll-outs
12 x 3
Thursday, May 7, 2015
5/6 ME Upper (Deload Week 2)
Deload Week 2
Dumbbell press
80 x 25 x 2
Pec Deck
100 x 25 x 2
One arm seated dumbbell tricep extension
35 x 25 x 2
Close-grip lat pulldown
130 x 25 x 2
Dumbbell lateral raise
20 x 25 x 2
Blast strap face pull
25 x 2
Hammer curl
35 x 25 x 2
Dumbbell press
80 x 25 x 2
Pec Deck
100 x 25 x 2
One arm seated dumbbell tricep extension
35 x 25 x 2
Close-grip lat pulldown
130 x 25 x 2
Dumbbell lateral raise
20 x 25 x 2
Blast strap face pull
25 x 2
Hammer curl
35 x 25 x 2
5/4 ME Lower (Deload Week 2)
Hack squat
90 x 25 x 2
45 degree back extension
bw x 25 x 2
Leg extension
115 x 25 x 2
Seated leg curl
120 x 25 x 2
Low pulley upright row
75 x 25 x 2
95 x 25 x 2
95 x 25 x 2
Incline Sit-up
bw x 25 x 2
90 x 25 x 2
45 degree back extension
bw x 25 x 2
Leg extension
115 x 25 x 2
Seated leg curl
120 x 25 x 2
Low pulley upright row
75 x 25 x 2
95 x 25 x 2
95 x 25 x 2
Incline Sit-up
bw x 25 x 2
Monday, May 4, 2015
5/3 DE Upper (deload week 2)
Incline dumbbell press
80 x 25 x 2
Rope press down
70 x 25 x 2
Lat pulldown (wide, palms in)
130 x 25 x 2
Front barbell raise overhead
30 x 25 x 2
Reverse grip EZ bar curl
45 x 25 x 2
80 x 25 x 2
Rope press down
70 x 25 x 2
Lat pulldown (wide, palms in)
130 x 25 x 2
Front barbell raise overhead
30 x 25 x 2
Reverse grip EZ bar curl
45 x 25 x 2
Friday, May 1, 2015
4/30/15 GPP
Row 2000m
Hanging leg raises 25 x 2
45 degree back extensions 25 x 2
Whole session took less than 20 minutes
Hanging leg raises 25 x 2
45 degree back extensions 25 x 2
Whole session took less than 20 minutes
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