Tuesday, March 31, 2015

3/30/15 ME Lower

Bow Bar Suspended Good Morning, Wide Stance
 145 x 5
 235 x 5
 325 x 5
 375 x 5
 415 x 5 PR
 465 x 2 - called it quits, rib pain started coming back

Lever hack squat
  300 x 8 x 5

Pendlay row
  185 x 8 x 4

Seated leg curl machine
  200 x 12 x 5

I feel like I'm getting sick, and I've been having ab cramping issues lately, so I skipped abs and shut it down there. Live to fight another day...

Monday, March 30, 2015

3/29/15 DE Upper

Pin press + doubled minis (pins set at chest height)
205 x 3 x 9

Bench press
  245 x 20 close grip
  245 x 20 ultra-wide grip

Lying 1-arm tricep extension across chest 40 x 12 x 4 each arm

Close grip pull-ups BW x 8 x 5

Dumbbell shrugs 115 x 15 x 5

Hammer curls 60 x 12 x 2

3/27/15 DE Lower

Raw Box Squat + 120 lbs chain
305 x 2 x 10

GHR 9 x 3 holding 25 lb plate / 12 x 2 bodyweight

Low pulley row, wide grip - 150 x 12 x 3

Donkey calf raise 150 x 12 x 5

Side bend (holding 45 lb plate) - 15 x 5

Thursday, March 26, 2015

3/25/15 ME Upper

Reverse grip bench press
  135 x 8
  225 x 5
  275 x 5
  315 x 5
  345 x 5

Pec deck flyes 150 x 20 x 3

Ez bar tricep extension  (8 behind head, 8 to forehead, 8 close-grip press) 125 x 8/8/8 x 3

Close-grip lat pull down 190 x 12 x 3

Dumbbell side raise 40 x 8 x 3

Hammer curls 60s x 12 x 2

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

3/23/15 ME Lower

ME Close Stance Low Box Front Squat (12 in box)
  135 x 5
  185 x 3
  225 x 3
  275 x 3
  315 x 3
  355 miss
  335 x 3

These felt heavier than they should have, plus the close stance killed my knees!

Lever hack squats
  290 x 8 x 5

Pendlay rows
  135 x 12 x 3  (kept these light since my back/ribs are still acting up)

Seated leg curl machine
  220 x 8 x 5

Rope high-pulley kneeling crunch
  110 x 15 x 3

Monday, March 23, 2015

3/22/15 DE Upper

Speed bench + doubled minis
205 x 3 x 9

Dumbbell shoulder press 80 x 20 x 2

Lying 1-arm tricep extension across chest 35 x 12 x 3 each arm

Close grip lat pulldowns 160 x 12 x 3

Dumbbell shrugs 110 x 15 x 3

Rope crunch 25 x 3

3/20/15 DE Lower

Raw Box Squat + 120 lbs chain
295 x 2 x 12

Deficit speed pulls + 40 lbs chain
315 x 1 x 5

GHR 8 x 3 holding 25 lb plate / 10 x 2 bodyweight

Low pulley row, wide grip - 150 x 12 x 3

Donkey calf raise 150 x 12 x 3

Side bend (holding 45 lb plate) - 15 x 3

3/18/15 ME Upper

Since we tested raw squats Monday, I decided to test my raw bench. It's been feeling good lately, so i expected a good PR.

135 x 5
225 x 3
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
425 x 1 (all time 10 lb PR)
435 miss

So...for the first time in over 3 years I'm back in the low 400s. I'm extremely happy with that!

Assistance as follows:

Ez bar tricep extension  (8 behind head, 8 to forehead, 8 close-grip press) 95 x 8/8/8 x 3

Pull-ups (palms facing) bw x 8 x 3

Dumbbell lateral raise 35s x 8 x 3

Hammer Curls 60 x 12 x 2

Spread-eagle sit-ups in power rack x 25 x 3

3/16/15 ME Lower

So...back for the first time after a week off to recover from the meet.

There's been alot of shit talking going on about where my raw squat might be, so-so can probably out squat me raw, etc. So...today became raw squat max day. It went down like this...

165 x 5
245 x 3
335 x 1
425 x 1
add light knee wraps
475 x 1
add normal knee wraps
515 x 1 (tied previous meet PR)
565 x 1 (all time PR, gym or meet)
585 miss

All in all, I'm pretty happy with how this went. My back started giving me trouble at 565, so apparently my nagging back/rib issue is still there and 1 week rest after the meet wasn't enough. I'm going to spend the next 8-10 weeks working on my raw lifts, and I'd like to take a run at 600 at the end of that cycle.

Kept the assistance pretty light & basic

Lever hack squat 6 plates x 6 x 4

Reverse hyper 8 plates x 25 x 2

Kneeling pully crunch 90 x 25 x 2

3/6/15 XPC Meet Recap

So I sort of fell off the bus...busy schedule...wasn't able to keep my training up-to-date leading up to this meet. Only thing I really did different was use a combo of heavy bands w/ 160 lbs chains for my circa-max due to a nagging rib strain injury.

Making weight was rough...I was 240 a week out from the meet, which is 5 lbs heavier than I've ever been at that point. Morning of weigh ins, 14 hours into my water cut I was still sitting at 228. So off to the sauna. After what seemed like forever (honestly probably 8-10 20-minute sessions) my scale said I was 220.4, so off to weigh in I went. Apparently, the scale was reading heavy...or so alot of others told me...and I weighed 221! So...back for 2 more sauna sessions. After this, I went back for re-weigh and came in at 219.9. By far my worst cut to date...going to have to control my training weight better next time!

Meet day was a bit of a fiasco...only 2 flights, only 10 lifters per flight so warm-ups felt rushed. Weights felt light, and I smoked my 760 opener, so I went strait to 810 for my 2nd attempt for a PR. I squatted down and up as easy as the first, but got red-lighted for depth. Since the weight felt good, I decided to jump to 820 for my 3rd. It wasn't meant to be...I got out of the groove on my way up, so there I was, biggest meet of my life and only credited with a 760 squat...not the start I was looking for.

There was no break between squat and bench, so I was able to watch first attempts of flight 2 before I had to start warming up. Warm-ups went great, and I smoked my 540 opener (which was only 5 lbs less than my previous PR). I jumped to 570 for a good 2nd attempt...it felt so easy, I decided to go right to 600 on my 3rd. 600 came down, and went all the way to lockout, but I got out of the groove midway up and had to readjust...the judges said there was an up/down movement so no lift. Nevertheless, 570 was a 25 lb PR, and 600 was a moral victory, so I'll take it!

On to the deadlift...again, there was no break from bench to deadlift so I rushed my warm-ups a bit...most critically, I was drinking HUGE quantities of Gatorade because I started cramping during the bench...and I forgot to piss before getting into my deadlift suit. So, by the time I pulled my 650 opener, the urge to pee was rising! 650 went fine, and I jumped right to 675. It got out in front of me (everyone said the platform felt like it was leaning downhill), but I was able to grind it out for a 10 lb PR. By this time, my bladder was in danger of exploding, and my total was at 2005...I had no chance of hitting a 2050 to qualify for the Westside Invitational (which was one of my goals), so I shut it down and passed on my 3rd attempt.